Growth marketing is based on four pillars, which include attracting prospects, converting them into leads and then motivating them to convert into customers and retain them for a long time. Several techniques have to be applied to develop the strategy best suited for your business. If you’re still wondering why to hire a Growth Marketer, you’ve come to the right place…
What is Growth Marketing?
Before considering whether or not to recruit a growth marketer, it is essential to understand how growth marketing works. The concept, born in 2010 in the United States under the inspiration of Sean Ellis, aims to greatly accelerate the growth of the company by relying on new technologies and various marketing strategies:
- automation campaigns;
- Natural Context (SEO);
- A/B testing of website pages, landing pages, CTAs…;
- Creation of an “inbound” blog focused on the creation of content.
A growth marketer must have multiple wires with a good dose of creativity to contribute to the monitoring of the entire sales process using the AARRR framework or conversion funnel.
What is the Role of a Growth Marketer?
Growth marketing is a recent profession. It combines the skills of a marketer to develop a classic strategy including SEM campaigns to guarantee immediate visibility for the company. The actions taken will quickly generate a significant ROI due to qualified traffic and an optimal conversion rate. He also plays the role of community manager who maintains your online presence through social networks to unite your community around your brand. It looks at the data collected to determine the behavior and buying habits of users.
define target audience
If your company wants to make its place in the market in the face of strong competition, it needs to communicate this to the general public and future customers. In this sense, the growth marketer determines the target audience to select the most appropriate media support. A younger audience will be more oriented towards social networks, but again, it is up to the growth marketer to tailor their areas of interest.
Create quality content and customize it to attract qualified prospects
Recruiting a Growth Marketer also makes it possible to create quality content targeting qualified prospects who will become future customers. An email campaign will establish the first link between you and your customers to gradually establish a relationship of trust. This relationship will become personalized over time, the best way to train high-end leads.
achieve sales target
Growth marketing, remember, is aimed at fueling the growth of your business. Making sales is a top priority. Whether it is B2C or B2B, the growth marketer will help the salesperson to achieve the sales objectives set by the company. Collaboration between the sales department and marketing teams makes it possible to strengthen cohesion between different stakeholders, which will optimize customer acquisition, as well as return on investment (ROI) thanks to sales that will be finished. process..
customer loyalty
Although the actions taken by a growth marketer are aimed at short-term results, they may affect the profits your company makes over the long term. In fact, when prospects have converted, it is no longer necessary to retain them and encourage them to make another purchase, thanks to upselling. Their satisfaction is the best promotion of your business, as they are more likely to talk about you to their loved ones or on social networks.
Growth Hacking or Growth Marketing?
Growth marketing can be compared to growth hacking. Although both concepts are oriented towards rapid growth of a company, this momentum has increased tenfold with growth hacking due to the strategy driven by the strategy used within startups. They rely on automation and data. Despite this, development has parallels. As mentioned above, AARRR aims to create value based on the funnel.