Consumer demand on brands and products has changed. It is expected that the goods will become more quickly and easily available. On the one hand the brand should provide added value, but they should also incorporate values and show a vision. This demanding attitude is also reflected in the consumption of media, with people wanting to be informed and entertained in a quick and varied manner. On the other hand, advertisers are faced with an increasing number of media channels…
How can brands and consumers still meet in this new world? We introduce you to six success factors for future brand communication and use practical examples to show you how a comprehensive communication strategy can have positive effects.
1. Data, but used well
The needs and practices of media use have never been so diverse, and the individual approach is becoming increasingly important. Hence there is a need for relevant data to reach the right target group, especially in the context of GDPR. This means that in the future, data will have to be generated at very different touchpoints between consumers and brands. It is then a question of processing this amount of data using global models and analyzes to successfully integrate them into media strategies.
2. Diversification of Sales Channels
Given the evolution of media consumption and usage behavior and the possibilities offered by new media channels, we are currently witnessing a transformation of distribution channels. Direct-to-consumer marketing, social commerce, delivery services 2.0 or of course the Metaverse are just a few examples of the multitude of new opportunities for brands to interact with their target group.
critical condition Brands should be open to newly emerging sales channels and assess individually where they best fit these new options.
3. Importance of the Brand
The brand becomes more relevant as an anchor in the consumer consciousness. On the one hand, the ever-increasing offering of products and services makes it essential to stand out from the competition. On the other hand, consumers are increasingly making their decisions dependent on brand identity. To be successful in building a sustainable brand, you must make it conceivable globally, physically, digitally, by combining the two or by establishing yourself authentically within the framework of social themes.
4. Understand target groups more than ever
Today, in order to be able to penetrate their target group effectively, one must understand it well. In fact, the expectations and expectations of different consumers of “their” brands are more diverse than ever. The growth of channels is dazzling and the younger generation adopts new channels more rapidly than their elders.
Plus, the age difference applies to content as well, so on many topics, Generation Z is completely different from Millennials or Boomers. Hence a different approach is necessary and goes far beyond just selecting the right media channels. To reach the right target group these days, a creative that suits the platform and the target group is also crucial.
5. General Impact Scheme
As cookies are no longer 100% operational, channel offerings are constantly changing and the needs of target groups keep changing, effective communication planning is no longer possible without general impact measurement. Testing and learning approaches are interesting in this context, as they make it possible, for example, to test new channels without abandoning long-proven secure methods. In this context, global attribution models lend themselves to the direct attribution of performance variances and the association of brand and performance KPIs.
6. Efficiency Lever
In addition to choosing suitable channels, it also makes sense to discriminate regionally. In fact, the usage of channels is not uniform everywhere at the national level, which is why it is worth going further into the regional analysis. Important factors are, for example, regional reach, distribution of target groups, density of competition or the strength of brand KPIs in different regions. Therefore brand communication can manifest its full impact only when the media, content and target group are also harmonized regionally.
Brand communication is not an easy task, it is important to fully understand the current market developments in order to be successful. Choosing the right channel for communication will be essential in the coming years, especially with the emergence of Web 3.0 and the Metaverse.