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Should you review your editorial strategy and optimize it for post-containment?

Should editorial strategy be reviewed with deconfinement? The answer seems obvious, and yet not everyone is convinced of it yet. Internet users have adopted new habits, realized new needs and expressed previously unknown fears. Editorial strategy, on pain of complete ineffectiveness, cannot ignore these deep and lasting changes…

Incorporating SEO, a reality that will put a question mark on your editorial calendar

The world after will not look the same as before. The government has been highlighting this obvious fact in every color for several weeks now. This truth is confirmed with respect to the natural context and even more your editorial strategy,

Since March, you’ve already had to revise your editorial calendar, no matter what your industry. You’ve had to leave these guides to prepare for the long extended weekend in May in tourism.

For weeks, you had to shake up your content creation to adapt to reality. And this would go on for several weeks. so first you need Redefine your editorial strategy Starting with the calendar.

Editorial Line to Rewrite When Your Content Is Already Infected

If web writing is to change pace to accommodate with confinement, you must also develop a new editorial line. Messages are not the same as sending, and unless you lose your prospects permanently, you must provide them with relevant answers.

This period is worrying for consumers and internet users, and they need to be reassured and reassured. An explanation of the measures taken internally to protect yourself from the coronavirus will have a greater impact on your readers than an unbeatable promotional offer.

Instead of praising your delivery service for free delivery, it’s probably better to explain why it’s still operational and under what circumstances.

You have to be confident and confident, which is what brings you back The Essential Basics of Web Writing: Reinsurance. With regard to your editorial line, you will ultimately have to adapt your speech. How will your offer be affected by the new consumer habits (barrier gestures, social distancing, etc.),

It’s up to you to show way, by proposing new uses or new uses,

Your editorial strategy in the post-prevention period

At this point, your web editors, your graphic designers, and all the content creation experts have changed the editorial calendar, and adopted new guidelines to help with their production. The efforts don’t stop here, as you eventually have to adapt to the communication channels.

Internet consumption has increased (+70% worldwide) among employees with partial unemployment and those engaged in teleworking. Internet users are looking for very targeted answers, but now indigestible files don’t want to make the whole point on a file.

answer the question” How long does the virus live on the box? “(For e-merchant, it will be necessary to answer the prompted question:” Can an internet order infect me? “) Only a few lines are needed. Should you create a page or give your elements to your Facebook page or even LinkedIn? Everything will depend on your strategy, but social networks are on the rise and here Even Facebook is finding its colors.There is no one general answer that applies equally to everyone.

However, everyone should take the necessary time to resolve each of these issues. Because if we live in a world of uncertainty, only one reality is undeniable: the world after will not look the same as the first.

And you, how did you adapt your editorial strategy to this extraordinary period? And for post-containment, have you thoroughly reviewed your content marketing?

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