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Mobile connecting two worlds?

The incredible development of the Internet will make us forget that it is still a young technology. The web was opened to the public in the 1990s, which means that the tools that structure the way our society works are only 25 years old. It’s hard to imagine that fifteen years ago, we had internet access through sessions and we were billed by connection time: Unlimited didn’t exist…

From now on, the average user is actually connected 24 hours a day, sometimes without interruption. For marketers, this change in consumption represents a real opportunity.

access to new data

With technological advances, new media have emerged to access the Internet. The hi-tech industry has focused on the mobile dynamic by focusing on new items like smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, etc.

A phenomenon that is catching on more and more everyday objects that are connecting and also have their own network such as the one deployed in Europe by Sigfox. Internet of Things was born, in short, it is an extension of the digital world to the physical world by implanting transmitters/receivers that would transmit information between two universes. From now on, any object has the ability to connect, all those things that follow us and inhabit our daily lives, most likely.

A company must know how to grow at the same pace – or even faster – than its environment. this is the question of stability and existence In a universe where change is happening fast. This is why companies should now take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Internet of Things.

Data represents an important marketing asset, part of which must be understood. From personalization to conversion to automation, customer insight is an essential part of marketing campaigns. Until now, we had access to information left behind by users when they connected to their computers and therefore relatively basic data: e-mail, last name, first name, etc.

with mobile, We now have the possibility to access more complete and varied information, The limitation of on/off line no longer exists as consumers can access the internet from anywhere and at any time. The various mobile media are permanently connected to the network (unless specified otherwise by the user) and therefore allow data to be transmitted continuously. We now have access to an incredible amount of data that allows us to get to know our customers and optimize their marketing processes.

Geolocation, a Powerful Marketing Asset

Among the innovations brought to us by mobile, we find geolocation. From a more business point of view, We’ll be talking geofencing instead, It is a concept that uses geographic data transmitted by mobile media to exploit them for marketing purposes. For example, it is quite possible to automate a marketing campaign when a user enters a defined perimeter.

However, it is a tool used with subtlety. Such a process can quickly become frightening for the consumer and therefore ineffective. We must avoid redundancies at all costs and aim for feeling of being chased and watched, If she develops this type of sensation, the effectiveness of the method will be completely nil or at best very low. Hence it is necessary to ensure proper use.

Nevertheless, well organized, geofencing campaigns can prove to be tremendously effective. marketing actions are doubly efficient Because the prospect becomes much more receptive than usual. It is a fact that no longer needs to be demonstrated, the close relationship allows marketing teams and sales forces to optimize the conversion process and be more commercially efficient. We tend to be more confident with the people around us and the people we know. With geofencing, it is possible to relatively penetrate the consumer’s personal area and thus correlate messages with a dimension of trust. Be careful though, don’t violate her privacy with promotional campaigns.


The real difficulty of geofencing is associated with its implementation. It is a process that requires real technical resources Since a large amount of data has to be processed. But it would also be necessary to have a means of automating marketing actions based on the information received. Therefore it is necessary to equip oneself with powerful tools suited to this type of method. we are talking here DMP (Data Management Platform), which, as their name suggests, are platforms for data management. They allow information to be gathered, classified, analyzed, and interpreted. It is essential to use this type of tool, otherwise the campaign runs the risk of being overly predictable and therefore effectively void (or negative in the worst case).

Mobile to improve customer experience

If mobile is a real asset in terms of improving marketing processes, it is also a way to significantly optimize the user experience. As we said earlier, companies have to adapt to the changing environment. However, as consumers are more and more technologically equipped, it is essential to work on the customer experience in this dynamic.


Mobile-to-store is globally Identification of a physical point of sale by a customer using a mobile device, It is a phenomenon that is evolving as consumers are more and more alert to new technologies and use more and more mobile devices on the shelves as well. Therefore marketing departments must think about the marketing actions and tools that will facilitate mobile-to-store. For example one can very well imagine:

  • a mobile application, which gives the location of the store within a radius of x kilometers (with the use of geolocation);
  • where applicable, a mobile site;
  • Search engine, to find the addresses of points of sale.

We differentiate between mobile-to-store and mobile-in-store. The latter corresponds to various marketing tools that can be installed within the point of sale, As a result, it is an improvement in the mobile and digital user experience within the store itself. Its objective is to provide new services, which adapt to the changing population and have the potential to increase sales. Just as for mobile-to-store, mobile-in-store prompts a focused reflection on optimizing the customer experience and facilitating the purchase process:

  • a mobile application, to find a product viewed on the Internet in a store;
  • a mobile payment system (NFC, Apple Pay, etc.);
  • a dressing room reservation system From a mobile device to the regularly crowded shops (why not?);
  • beacon beacon In bluetooth on shelves to highlight products or special offers when customers are in store.

In short, the only limits are imagination and technology. You can define a number of processes, as long as they are developed with the aim of improving the customer experience.

The key to unifying mobile, online and offline

Finally, technological and digital developments have been able to remove the boundary between online and offline that existed a few years back. Can we still talk about online and offline? For the consumers who are connected day and night, it is no longer necessary to differentiate between the two. Mobile has made it possible to establish a new mode of consumption that is still in its infancy, with large firms still fearing that it is too early to introduce large-scale mobile strategies. However, the first launch will be considered as the forerunners of the field and will probably be regarded as the future major players in the sector.

However, it is a marketing asset that requires being technically capable of accommodating large amounts of data and processing it. So above all it is necessary that you equip yourself with such tools as responses Which will help to build a real mobile strategy.

If you are convinced of the future of mobile and its marketing power, I highly recommend it. This white paper covering the basics of data management,

photo credit: shutterstock

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