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Know all about WhatsApp

In the era of Web 2.0, businesses and individuals exist on the “web” on their own and by Internet users. They all exchange content, thus playing on E-reputation. And if most of them optimize their notoriety through Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, Aware of the challenges of interactive web and conversation, many are still reluctant to develop a social media strategy on whatsapp, However, this support presents real professional interest,

WhatsApp… the app that goes up

Launched in 2009, WhatsApp is a mobile application and multi platform Of messaging, Available on iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone and Nokia, this smartphone application allows its users to create group conversations. WhatsApp also lets you send as many messages and photos as you want. WhatsApp is offering voice and video calls via desktop from 2021.

key figures

  • Application #1 in the United States;
  • 700 million active users worldwide;
  • 45% of users are under 35;
  • An average of 35 minutes was spent per person per day.


WhatsApp, an application of instant messaging, allows users to exchange messages free, It also allows you to send and receive messages all over the world ,

A fast growing social network

Instant messaging through the Internet, WhatsApp also aims to be an alternative to SMS. In addition, this application so far refuses to attack advertising (unlike WeChat).

“There will never be room for advertising on WhatsApp”, Mark Zuckerberg, February 2014


If the first users of WhatsApp were young people, we are currently witnessing inter-generational democratization of its users. Due to its tracking system, which has a real advantage, this instant messaging system is used by companies at the same time. He participates effectively in improving internal communication within a structure.

whatsapp craze

The application builds a network of photos better than Instagram and Snapchat and is experiencing strong growth ahead of its competitors WeChat and TencentQQ in India and emerging countries.

facebook buyout

The application was bought by Facebook in February 2014 for $19 billion (when Google offered 10 billion!).

because of its popularity

The principle of using WhatsApp is simple. It boils down to its capabilities and five essential features. As a reminder, here they are:

  • First, WhatsApp allows you to send Free and worldwide messaging ,
  • Second, it is a user friendly applicationMILF Sourceeasy exchange ,
  • Third, the possibility form sets Of discussion participates in its success;
  • Fourth, on WhatsApp, anyone can send messages instantly (and always for free) enclosure ,
  • Fifth, it Universal application can be used independently,

See article in Le Monde, 2014

Finally, five innovative uses of WhatsApp

There are still some brands and companies on the platform. However, before you end this reading, know that even if there is no room for advertising on WhatsApp (according to Mark Zuckerberg when buying the app), “the possibilities for companies and brands are myriad.” In fact, it allows:

  • Make people talk about them;
  • improve your customer service;
  • Use a new information channel;
  • Sell ​​;
  • Communicate as a team.

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