Once at the top of the tunnel, you have to lead your prospect up to the deal. In other words, you need to convert your leads to MQL, Hot prospects, SQL then Customers… it doesn’t matter, it needs to be closed! And no secret, you have to work on the buying experience (or customer experience for businesses with long sales cycles) to convert. We all know that the devil is in the details, so you have to convert your digital assets frequently to successfully ‘take off’, or at least improve your conversion rates on newsletter subscriptions, form completion, etc.
The Scoop: To be successful at generating qualified leads, you have to do things right… the data quality Must be on point.
Marketing Data Quality: The Conversion Weapon
In data marketing, you can focus your efforts on 2 types of data to improve its quality.
- active data : Which is used for prospecting. Simply put, these are databases of your contacts, emails, companies, postal addresses, etc. As the volume grows, the data quickly becomes obsolete. It is therefore imperative to have an immutable quality;
- performance data : The ones we use to decide. Your analytics and other aggregated data is useful to guide your marketing strategy and all of the actions that result from it. If they contain errors, we can quickly find ourselves stuck, or worse…
If the quality of these data is not there, it is difficult to stand out and offer better. This quality issue is no longer just a competitive advantage, it is now a prerequisite.
Forms, a key tool for generating qualified leads
This is a typical example of a lead gen device. It is used to collect all probability information and allows you to split your base. The longer/complete it is, the better qualified the person is. Problem: Too many fields to fill can be discouraging and lead to abandonment. 35% of exits from a conversion tunnel are also due to registration or completion sequences that are too long. Not too bad?
To answer this problem, web services (APIs) make it possible to streamline the form step and thus reduce friction points. Some possible automation on a form:
- auto fill of the field after the @ on email;
- Suggested Address Post;
- automatic coordinate recovery companies after entering the same sector;
- verification Authenticity of the data entered (for example on IBAN).
Other examples of API automation to convert
There are many examples of optimization via API to generate leads. They can not only streamline the customer experience on your web form, but also touch different parts of the business:
- Instant in-store information collection to better manage customer inflows;
- Help with getting into CRM to save time for salespeople;
- Quality control of email addresses to improve delivery;
- Control of financial risks by checking the solvency of customers or suppliers;
- Reliability of the postal address to avoid sending the parcel to the wrong recipients.
In fact, the API is quite simple to use. Catalogs exist and an API implementation can be done quickly in a company information system. Obviously, the idea is not to set up a gas plant, but to automate tasks that could slow change. And finally, a better customer relationship and more conversions.