Instagram reel looks more and more like TikTok! The social network is testing the same tab for reels as its main competitor, specifically to follow some Instagrammers…
Instagram Reels launches “following” in India
Since its foray into the social media market, TikTok has continued to dominate the major social media platforms. The application dedicated to short videos has become the most downloaded application in the world for a few years now, which statistics prove that make you dizzy.
It is therefore not surprising that social networks on the market imitate it beginning with many of the features that make it a success.
For example on Instagram, Instagram Reels is a clone of TikTok with its short and creative videos. Despite some of their differences, a new update could prove that Instagram is trying at all costs to imitate its rival to steal its limelight.
Tested in India for now, this update reveals specific design changes. When scrolling through their normal reel feed, Instagram users now see a following or “Following” tab (such as follows that have been on TikTok for a long time). This tab is optionally included with the main reel feed.
Salman Memon, a researcher and app enthusiast, is one of the first to point out the new feature on Twitter.
As the name suggests, the following tab in the reels is used to display a short video created by other users who are being followed. This is different from Tab Reel which randomly displays all the video content. Users can thus discover video content from other users who are being followed in a specific way.
So, just like on TikTok, users can swipe horizontally between two feed options for short videos: they not only get the most popular videos in their feed through the main feed, but also watch videos from accounts at the same time. can. ,
Small nuances, TikTok will not be a social network platform
Instagram cannot deny its strong resemblance to TikTok, but it should also not be hidden that the latter also mimics relevant works from the meta-universe. The app is now increasingly using a “Friends” tab to focus more on connecting users. Similar to Facebook, TikTok promotes the integration of existing contacts. In addition, the app allows connecting with Facebook Friends through the Friends tab.
Yet Kharton Weiss, Global Head of Agency and Accounts at TikTok, clarified at the Gathering Summit in Banff, Alberta, Canada, that TikTok is not a social media platform. It is tied to another industry, namely the streaming or entertainment industry.
Categorized social networks like Facebook and Instagram usually scroll while streaming or TV content may play in the background. Unlike these networks, TikTok requires a lot of attention to be used in this way. For example, watching and listening to TikTok videos means that users are not able to focus on the series on TV. According to Kharton Weiss this circumstance will make Tiktok more streaming than social media platform.
For the time being, this small nuance is worth considering for those who plan to present mass content on the platform or use it for promotional purposes.
Why is TikTok generating so much interest?
Instead of limiting your content feed to your personal network, TikTok is able to take the best of content on unlimited topics. Thanks to its special algorithms, the application can show them to you according to your interests, thus allowing the most popular clips to reach a wider audience, regardless of each user’s following.
While you can filter the latest uploads from people you know and love, the main “for you” feed is enough to meet their needs.
Regularly releasing new features and updates, Instagram doesn’t hesitate to take a similar approach to try to push it forward and help marketers leverage Instagram reels in marketing.