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I [Infographie] Practices and Challenges for Successful B2B Loyalty in 2021

niri brusa

Editorial Project Manager – Webmarketing & Company

83% of BTOB advertisers say that loyalty is above all used to grow their business! but still ? What are the practices, issues and trends in customer loyalty? Reply in an infographic packed with information about customer loyalty in B2B…

BTOB Customer Loyalty: The State Of The Market Game

It should be remembered that receiving an order from an existing customer is easier and cheaper than attracting and converting a new prospect. If customer retention is the key to e-commerce growth, then what is the key to customer retention?

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To better understand the topic, customer marketing agency Kiss the Bride conducted a study titled “BTOB Customer Loyalty: What Challenges and What Practices for 2021?” » In partnership with Adetem (National Association of Marketing Professionals) and Praxis (BtoB research institute specializing in customer experience),

To better understand the challenges and expectations of BTOB advertisers, the study compiled a list of this market by responding to four issues:

  • What are the current practices in the field of B2B customer loyalty and engagement?
  • What trends have emerged and what will be the challenges of tomorrow?
  • Where does your company stand with respect to references in the field?
  • What are the key success factors for increasing customer loyalty in BTOB?

The results specifically indicate that:

  • 80% of BTOB companies consider the loyalty of their professional customers to be significant or very important.
  • 42% of companies surveyed indicated that loyalty is best used to develop business with their existing customers. 36% of companies cite retention. It is first and foremost a liver for growth
  • 9 out of 10 companies have initiated the customer loyalty process…… but only 1 in 10 did it. Many steps have been taken… but few have been done because
  • Only 6% of companies are very aware of the loyalty levels of their professional customers. Little is known about the level of customer loyalty
  • Only 10% of BTOB companies say they have a very good command of the entire customer loyalty process.
  • 46% of companies cite the quality of the product/service offering as a key element in gaining the loyalty of their BTOB customers. This is followed by customer service (16%) and relationship personalization (14%).
  • 60% of companies rate “premium services” around business support among the most relevant BtoB loyalty actions. 2 . follows inI The status of everything related to financial benefits: commercial discounts, RFAs, products offered, gift points.

Three indicators are used to measure this loyalty:

  • satisfaction rate (49%)
  • RFM (46%)
  • Change in turnover or margin (42%)

6 Steps to the BTOB Customer Loyalty Process

  • Diagnostics / Loyalty
  • Customer knowledge and segmentation
  • Relationship/Loyalty Strategy
  • program mechanics options
  • Program Implementation and Management
  • Program Management and ROI

Two steps are considered very important in the loyalty process

  • Customer knowledge and segmentation (81%)
  • Relationship Strategy and Loyalty (70%)

There are three trends seen in today’s BTOB customer loyalty:

  • Personalized Relationships (69%)
  • Brand and content role (56%)
  • Premium and exclusive services (52%)

Finally, this study on loyalty reveals changes that will affect the effectiveness of BTOB loyalty in the future:

  • Access to customer knowledge through technical tools (65%)
  • Exploitation of customer intelligence (customer segmentation, scoring, etc.) (43%)
  • Growth of e-commerce for the indirect (28%)
  • Multichannel means of communication for DIRECTS (22%)

Full result of study in computer graphics

Source: Kiss the Bride

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