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How to implement Nudge Marketing on your website?

You have traffic but it doesn’t click into the right place? Are your conversion rates not high enough? Are you already using all the necessary techniques to get them into the CTA, but nothing seems to work? but above all You don’t want to come across as that rug salesperson who makes it too difficult for the prospect to take action. , So I am going to explain to you what is nude marketing and how Solve your problem, and your conversions will increase without disappointing your readers,

Definition: Nudge Marketing

Nudge Marketing, also known as “Nudge Marketing”incentive marketing” either “to move”, makes it possible to modify a person’s behavior by slightly modifying his environment.

The power of the nudge is that it directs a person’s choices without forcing him to do something (Leaves that last choice to the individual).

This so-called “soft” incentive method, widely used by public authorities, is now popular. marketers,

And as an example speaks louder than words, let me show you the power of this concept (thanks to D. Kahneman and Richard Thaler who originated the nudge).

3 examples of effective uses

Fake fly in urinal at Amsterdam airport

This is the most famous example in the case of incentive marketing.

In 2009, Amsterdam Airport placed “fly” stickers in men’s urinals.

target? encourage men to aim better,

Trajectory deviation is a real problem because, apart from being hygienic, it requires the use of large amounts of water for cleaning.

Result ? Millions of liters of water saved,

investment stickers

It speaks to you, doesn’t it?

We’ve all seen it before, and with an even greater health crisis. Famous mark on the ground.

target? Establishing a route, enforcing distances, directing traffic… the goals are many.

Here people will unconsciously place themselves on the marking and therefore respect the distances. In contrast, a simple poster indicating respect for distance would have made only a weak impression.

cigarette butt cans

Final example: cigarette butt cans.

The principle is simple: Instead of throwing your cigarette on the ground once you’ve smoked it, you use the butt to respond to the vote.

Result ? Reducing waste in the city (and a response to the chocolate/pain or chocolate debate),

More effective than a poster or sign announcing the prohibition of throwing cigarettes on the ground.

At this point, you’re going to tell me”yes it looks effective but i don’t know how to set it up on my site,

This is normal.

And yet they are the little details that you unconsciously notice every day on the internet without realizing it.

I see you!

What Does Online Nudge Marketing Do?

just like.

Except it’s on your site.


For example, instead of asking your potential customers to hurry up and buy a product before it’s gone, you can send them a notification about how many people are viewing the same product at the same time.

That way, the prospect will act quickly for fear that the product will go out of stock before his eyes.

you played urgency without forcing possibility,

CelluBlue is a good example.

pop up

You can also use a nudge to feed your mail database.

Internet users rarely send you their email address automatically. so you have to ask them or Encourage Them Through Incentive Marketing!

how to do this ?

this is easy. Display a pop-up requesting your prospects’ email in exchange for subscribing to a newsletter, a free ebook to receive the results of a quiz…

The reader will be more willing to send you their data in exchange for a reward (principle of reciprocity),

social proof

Social proof is also an element of nude marketing. You show your reader that they can trust you, as others have done before them.,

It goes through customer reviews, likes, number of views, your expertise on other media, customer testimonials…

This technology is used by Junto Agency.

default option

Some companies offer several tariffs for its services, ranging from low tier to premium version.

The problem is that a large number of choices often leads to indecision and therefore less action.

This is where Nudge Marketing will help you.

When you offer a potential multiple options, point them to the best-selling option (the customer’s favorite).

In this way you support the reader in his decision making.

Note: Select a central range (between low price and high price) to increase the likelihood that a potentially low-end service picker will now choose mid-range.

Hostinger practices this strategy.


The nudge can also be integrated into your email.

When a potential customer has viewed a product but hasn’t placed an order, send them a reminder email.

Attention ! Avoid phrases like “You’ve consulted an article like this without following, buy it now!”.

Instead, remember the potential interest for such a product, and encourage him to consult the article again before ordering.


Nudge Marketing is a very powerful and easy to implement marketing tool.

Using it on your site will allow you to achieve your goals without the reader feeling obligated to take any action.

Examples and ideas for inspiration abound on the web, so you won’t be short of ideas to set yourself apart.

And don’t forget: encourage rather than oblige!

About the Author

Lucas Ricard: I’m a freelance web copywriter. I support VSEs, SMEs and Start-ups to increase their traffic and conversion rates through content marketing.

Website – LinkedIn – Instagram

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