WhatsApp has added a new option to manage your group chats, with archived chats now archived and hidden, even when new messages are sent to the group…

A new feature available on Android and iOS

WhatsApp has rolled out a new feature on Android and iOS that helps archive messages so you can focus on the most important ones. Now, archived messages from a single account or group will remain archived. Even if there is a new message on this thread, the message will not appear in the main folder.

Training to build your training organization

Users are always able to archive their WhatsApp chats. But with this new feature, you will no longer receive notifications about new messages from chats that you have archived, which basically allows you to hide them. You can consult them in your collection and reactivate them whenever you want.

WhatsApp has been experimenting with its archiving options over the years, with the feature being tested in “vacation mode” in 2019. Many users had expressed genuine disappointment that their archived chats kept coming back. Every time a new message arrives in their inbox. Received, which will no longer happen.

How to archive or unarchive a chat or group

  • Open WhatsApp and long press on the chat you want to archive;
  • This will open the options for you to mark the chat as unread, archive it or delete it. You can archive an individual or group chat from here.

How to archive all chats

  • In the chat tab, click “More” and then go to “Settings”;
  • Tap “Chats,” go to “Chat History,” then click “Archive All Chats.”

How to View Archived Individual or Group Chats

  • Scroll to the top of the screen to “Chats”;
  • Tap on “Archived”. The number next to Archived will indicate how many archived individual or group chats have unread messages.

How to unarchive an individual or group chat

  • Scroll to the top of the “Chats” screen;
  • Tap on “Archived”;
  • Long-press the person or group chat you want to remove from the archive;
  • Tap “Unarchive” at the top of the screen.

Optional archive settings

To change the default settings so that archived chats are unarchived when new messages are received:

  • In the “Chats” tab, click “More” and go to “Settings”;
  • Tap Chat;
  • Disable “Keep archived chats”.