In this era of health crisis, we all have faced a resurgence of messages across all our digital platforms. Suddenly, a constant stream of commercials, online training, webinars brought in experts from all fields…
This constant battle for your digital space has created a lasting noise, often making it impossible to differentiate between an expert who can help and an expert who knows how to sell well.
When you are a beginner entrepreneur, you need to gain visibility and notoriety in your field. Hence the digital channel is essentially privileged for its efficiency and low cost of acquisition. On the other hand, believing that we are doing well and “communicating” we exhaust our goals and the results of our campaigns are weak or non-existent.
Why ?
Impact vs Noise: What’s the difference?
All your activities, no matter how small, have an impact, impact, effect, result on your brand.
A brand is not just a name or a logo. It’s much more than that: it’s what your client thinks of you, it’s the promise you make to them, it’s your response to their issues, it’s your reputation, it’s your image.
That’s why you need to make a positive impact in your industry to attract or retain customers. To have an impact means to make a difference.
About noise: it disturbs, disturbs, pollutes. We want him to stop, we run away from him …
5 keys to making a positive impact
1. Be Memorable for the Right Reasons
Your Goal You Should Remember for Positive Reasons: Too often, we remember an advertising campaign when it gives us courage, when it evokes a strong emotion. The same should be true for your online activities:
- Is your Google or Facebook advertising campaign clear?
- Does it use a concept to which your goal can relate?
- Will this make your target want to know more about your business?
- Is your image up to date in relation to your target market?
- Did you use a video format that was more engaging than the presentation?
- Did you deliver your message in a dull and boring tone?
- Did you use a little humor in your speech?
All of these questions can give you tips on how to create and remain memorable in the minds of your target audience. Staying memorable is important for positive reasons:
Imagine that a potential employee applies for a job in your company. He will remember how he was treated during his contact visit with you:
- Did you reply to his email in person?
- When he was called for an interview, did you offer him a drink when he arrived?
- Did the recipient smile at him? Did he feel welcome in your company?
- Has it identified you as a company that cares for its employees?
- When you didn’t tell him, did you tell him why? Did you tell him over the phone or by email?
A potential employee will remember how they felt when they interacted with you, and that sentiment influences your brand. It takes years to build a reputation, but only a few minutes to ruin.
2. Bring Added Value
In BtoB, as in BtoC, bringing value to your goal can be achieved in a number of ways:
- Share information to help you make decisions in your market by recommending readings or articles, events, podcasts, competitive information, news;
- Help them grow in your business by writing a positive and impactful testimonial on LinkedIn;
- Open your network to them (LinkedIn) and introduce them to your contacts;
- Give them statistics, performance measures that can make their activities more profitable.
In fact, sharing, putting yourself in the place of your goals and trusting them creates lasting relationships that make you want to work with your company.
3. Be Authentic
“Ale’truthfulness That which is true and pure is its quality. In philosophy, it is the quality by which a person expresses with honesty and commitment what he is deeply. ,
To communicate authentically, you have to be truthful and honest. We all need the truth and to respect our goal is also not to lie to him or to manipulate him. To be authentic, it is important first of all:
- to recognise its value, I am not talking about the words that are present on most of the websites, which are vague and false, but I am talking about the values ​​which you might have thought, which are part of your DNA, One who looks like you and who will attract similar goals because they have similar beliefs, that comes from your guts;
- To illustrate these values ​​with customer and employee testimonials that prove that you live up to your values ​​on a daily basis, that you are honest and truthful;
- To define your unique message to understand this and to communicate it clearly to all by soliciting the participation of employees to actively contribute to the development and implementation of this gap.
An SME or VSE can, more easily than a larger group, identify their values ​​and ensure that they are clearly communicated to the team and discredited/delineated/transcribed in their daily activities has gone. The results can be very quick and transformative. Living up to your values ​​makes you authentic, reliable, honest and trustworthy.
4. Respond to Your Target’s Problems
Put yourself in your client’s place and imagine what he must be feeling, what problems he might be facing. Not talking well about yourself and your products, but listening to your customer gives us clues about their sensitive points and allows us to better meet their needs. So it is important to provide your target with quality content that meets their expectations.
5. Dissociate Yourself From Your Attitude Towards Your Goals
Staying humble and listening to your target gets you noticed. It is by distinguishing ourselves that we make an impact and placing the customer at the center of your activity will bear fruit in the short and long term, not only with your external goal, but internally with your employees as well. the center of their daily endeavors. There will be a change in attitude that can only happen if we choose to truly focus on the needs of the customer.
Finally, to be perceived as a company that creates a positive impact through its communication, both internally and externally, and not noise, you need to be able to help your target and take care of their needs. Strong intention is required.
Be memorable for causes that articulate your values, that prove your authenticity, your added value created through a thoughtful communication strategy.
Knowing how to be memorable requires a regular action plan and hence a long-term investment. Spinoffs are long lasting and are the key to the growth and development of the business.
About the Author
Florence Thomas: After 20 years in England in marketing and communications for avant-garde companies and start-ups in digital technologies in the telecommunications, internet and IT sectors, I now encourage SMEs in their marketing journey to generate growth and stand out. I support for On LinkedIn since 2005, Blogger since 2007, and Twitter since 2009, I’ve always been a seasoned web marketer, passionate about digital marketing, communication, and brand development.
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