What if you finally used the potential of your website? The conversion rate of most sites, storefronts or e-commerce is absurdly low. As if by devoting energy to getting traffic, we forgot to activate these passive visitors… If you want to better convert the audience of your web pages, we explain in detail best customer activation methods Tested and validated on some well known French sites…
Activation, this blind spot in the customer journey
Why spend time on customer activation of your website? In e-commerce (or any site that thinks in terms of sales funnels), there are two ways to double customers. One, of course, is to attract doubly people. clue on his site. The second is to be doubly efficient in converting them!
It’s actually a lever we’re talking about here: customer activation, This includes making your website visitors active, getting them to take action. It can be a purchase, but not only: leaving your contact details is also an activation. It shows that the prospect believes that you have the answer to his problem and that he is counting on you to give him a solution.
(Note that in a broader sense, activating your audience is also related to your social network if you have a lot of followers.)
Ultimately, activating your customers is easier said than done – but it’s extremely important.
Inbound marketing tolerates very low customer activation rates
In AARRR MatrixCustomer activation is important. This 2. Isth The stage of the sales funnel that everyone is talking about (this comes after acquisitions, and before retention, “referrals” and revenue – if you’re tracking, it sounds like “AARRR!”) .
Despite its importance, customer activation is unfortunately the stage of the customer journey that we optimize to last!
Most websites put in a lot of effort to get traffic : SEO, Google Ads, Advertising on Social Networks…
On the other hand, we talk very little about customer activation. As if attracting visitors to your site was enough to turn them into customers…
If, like me, you spend hours checking statistics on Google Analytics, you know that this happens very rarely. Inbound marketing tolerates extremely low conversion rates! Very often, they stabilize around some percentage: 1%, 2%, 3%…
customer activation key reduce customer acquisition costs, Test it by applying some of the methods below: By raising your conversion rate by a few percentage points, your business will grow tremendously!
Customer Activation: Why Some Sites Convert So Much More Than Others
This is the same across all sites that specialize in customer activation: Transformation is at the heart of their design, In the extreme, we’ve seen sites 100% built for that, the famous marketing funnel.
They got it: A good site isn’t just sales pages and SEO optimized content.
Between the discovery phase and conversion to customer, a site must fulfill other missions. he should sit SpecializationMake Confidenceshow sense To convert your visitor’s problem, finally.
How to complete these missions? it can go through List of key points needed for a site that converts more visitors, They should be embedded at the heart of your design:
1 – Value Proposition
Your site should highlight your value proposition. It can go through your products, your services, your services… In any case, it’s essential to be clear on how you respond to your customer’s problem.
The value proposition is like a contract: it should clearly state what can be found on the home. The clearer the message is, the more trust you’ll create, and the more you’ll convert your visitors into customers.
2 – visual recognition
It cannot be denied that views play a big role in your site’s ability to convert. Rendering an outdated or outdated graphic is like shooting yourself in the conversion rate. It has to look good, but it’s not just a matter of taste! Providing them with a suitable visual identity requires an understanding of who your ideal customer is. It should be pleasant and convey the values ​​he is looking for in you.
3 – Ease of navigation
The UX of your site should be clear and functional. It allows you to do everything you want to do, easily and without searching too much.
Do a quick test: Are the most important pages on your site 1 or 2 clicks away from your homepage?
Does each page put an internet user on a maximum of 3 clicks from a conversion, purchase, demo request?
This figure is not insignificant: 3 clicks from conversion, this is what the sites that activate the maximum customers do, starting with Amazon. In general, ergonomics should naturally encourage you to convert via CTA (call-to-action).
4 – Attractive Content
Reading your material is only the first step. must also include internet users : This can be through videos, infographics, links to other pages of the site, interactive features… or simply immersive text content!
All of these types of hooks help grab the average visitor’s attention—and keep them from quickly forgetting to close tabs. This is already, in itself, the beginning of customer activation.
5 – Call-to-action
Wherever you are on the site, a “call-to-action” (or CTA) can guide the conversion.
These “calls to action” encourage visitors to take specific actions. They can take the form of a button, a form, an HTML link… Whatever the form, they should help the visitor accomplish what they’ve come to do with you: find a solution to their problem.
Every CTA should make it possible to understand what awaits them without being deceived. On the other hand of the click, you can deploy a landing page that gives you a customer activation,
6 – personality
All of these elements could easily be replicated if there was one final, not-important one: personality. Each relationship with the customer is unique. A site that wants to convert as much as possible must make an emotional connection. This goes through brand identity, tone, graphic charter, logo, but also through ergonomics and customer experience. Identifying with your personality is a big step towards customer conversion.
Simple Tips to Maximize Customer Engagement and Activation
When a site is already online, it’s not easy to rethink all its ergonomics… but you can also implement simple hacks in the form of modules or widgets.
They are very effective in activating their visitors and making them customers. Once again, activation isn’t just a purchase: it can be a subscription to a newsletter, creating an account, a contact form or even using the site’s online tools.
All of these actions are activations: the customer has interacted, taken a step forward in their conversion journey.
The cheats below are easily activated on any website. Widgets do not interfere with ergonomics, nor do pop-ups to accept cookies! And unlike cookies, They will boost your customer activation and your conversion rate,
gifts for engagement
The best (virtual) gifts are the things your customers really need. The most comprehensive “offer” for increase customer engagementThis is a white paper.
A word of advice: Design and write (or have written) a white paper that answers the toughest questions your ideal customer might be asking. To download it, all you need to do is leave an email or a phone number.
The white paper offered is the customer activation technique that HubSpot practices to perfection. No wonder: after all, they are the inventors of inbound marketing!
Guides to Download the White Paper: With these highly-informative “offers”, you will activate many more visitors by recovering your customer data. Maneuver Purpose: Collectively collect contact data, activated by email or SMS campaigns that will boost your conversion rate.
Alternatively, you can offer a free sample of your services. If you offer software in SaaS, free use can activate a lot of visitors. This can be free access for a week, a month, or by the pack. For example, the myrankingmetrics.com SEO Tool Suite offers 60-day trials on some tools. If you provide services, you can audit or offer service access – Provided you are ready to receive a very large amount of leads!
A contest to boost conversions for your website
Another even more effective trick, contest game: easy to set up, you can find it as a widget for your website.
A popular competition game is the gift wheel (in lieu of an email or phone call). The Gamified aspect makes it possible to activate the maximum number of visitors – who previously left your site without leaving a trace.
Competition games have a double benefit: if the prizes are promotions or coupons, it can generate a lot of direct sales! That’s what Ultimate Deal has done, whose success story is detailed here. Their competition game offers two types of discounts on their membership, monthly or yearly. While the site was converting a small fraction of its 600 daily visitors, the competition allowed them to increase the conversion rate by as much as 10%, or 60 customers automatically registered to the database without doing anything. And through rewards, the site generates an additional €200 in turnover per day!
Stop doing SEO or SEA at a loss, give your customer all the attention he deserves! Ultimately, by implementing at least one of these methods, your website will live its best life – and possibly become a conversion-inducing machine.