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How can AI applied to search engines help retailers stand out?

Europeans favor e-commerce for their purchases. In Europe, according to Ecommerce Europe and Eurocommerce, it was up 10% in 2019 compared to 2019 with a turnover of €757 million in 2021. France, with €112 million, came in second only to the United Kingdom (€236 million), but ahead of Germany (€93.6 million). [1], The digitization of uses accelerated during the pandemic has spurred sales, which means a fundamental reflection on the strategy to be followed with search engines…

If more and more consumers are choosing digital for their purchases, the same goes for advertising. SRI and UDECAM epub observatory show 24% increase in spending in 2021 [2] Actual speed performance, especially for retail search which registered a growth of 56%. For marketers, it is no longer enough to increase the presence of their brand by positioning themselves in search engines. To truly stand out, advertisers must carefully personalize and target result lists to best meet consumer demands.

This search traffic is just waiting to be captured, but there is another challenge to consider. Indeed, with 16% to 20% of requests to Google that are never made [3]How can brands offer such relevant volumes to accurately respond to these searches?

Power of PPC – Pay Per Click

E-commerce has never been so popular and its trend is increasing. French brands have already secured a significant portion of their business in 2020. According to Fawad, e-commerce accounts for 13.4 percent of retail sales. [4], Hence the need for agility and efficiency in this competitive market. Automated pay-per-click search engine leverages machine learning to better target ads and removes the need for manual updates and reviews. Thus advertisers free up resources they can reallocate. The tool can also add value by providing seamless answers to new customer needs and questions.

The pandemic has changed the way a large section of the population works and enjoys. This means that search material has evolved as well. Consumers are engaging in new hobbies, discovering new interests, discovering new travel destinations and even developing new skills. Searches for words like ‘indoor wear’, ‘card game’ and ‘care’ have increased during the pandemic [5]shows specific development. Automated PPC is able to follow the peaks and troughs of searches and changes in user habits. So it allows brands to continue to carve a niche for themselves in relevant and popular searches.

But while automated PPC helps position ads in relevant search placements, it’s not enough to stand out from the competition. Personalization clearly attracts consumers: 71% of consumers say they prefer personalized advertising [6], But how can brands better personalize their ads without putting pressure on their teams to create relevant copy?

AI gets personal

Commonly used to generate weather reports, medical reports, and image captions, it uses artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted natural language generation (NLG) to generate relevant, personalized text based on research results. can be taken advantage of. Only manual work of teams will be reduced.

Most importantly, AI-powered NLG creates hundreds of thousands of personalized ads, hundreds of thousands of keywords, thousands of site link extensions and thousands of call extensions, in multiple languages, in minutes. It can also be deployed over multiple uses. For example, it can align user acquisition with experience across sectors. As advertisers move into a world without cookies, it is important to reach consumers so that they can facilitate the evolutionary personalization of identifiable audience segments, and obtain information about groups and segments of specific audiences.

The horizon is clearing as we learn to live with the collateral effects of the coronavirus. But if society shifts to “normal” timid and timid, the transition to e-commerce, for its part, seems permanent. In the face of increasing competition, agility is essential for retailers seeking to capture the attention of consumers.

The combination of automated PPC and AI-powered NLG allows brands to do this on a larger scale and at a lower cost. These solutions are effective in saving time and allocating human resources, they ultimately allow brands to stand out among consumers.

[1] Fawad 2021

[2] IRS 2022

[3] internet live statistics

[4] Fawad 2021

[5] The New Normal 2021

[6] e-marketer 2019

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