Get maximum visibility for the solidarity sign!

niri brusa

Editorial Project Manager – Webmarketing & Company

Mutual cooperation is essential in this difficult time! Explore this huge Solidarity e-commerce box to collect as many products as possible to donate to those in need!

A solidarity e-commerce box to gain visibility

Since the pandemic, experts have identified 9 million workers and 628,000 more unemployed in partial unemployment. According to data published by INSEE, 9.3 million French people also live below the poverty line.

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Razir Mone E-commerce launched a solidarity e-commerce box from May 17th to June 18th, 2021, to help people out while offering visibility to e-merchants.

“The Solidarity E-commerce Box” offers the e-merchant to send a product of their choice (food, clothing, hygiene product, electronic device, book, etc.) that can make someone in need happy.

E-commerce: Get Maximum Visibility for Solidarity Signs!

In return, their participation will be broadcast through social networks and event newsletters, which will be followed by over 20,000 e-merchants. The information will also be shared with 1,500 journalists.

In other words, everything is placed to achieve maximum visibility through a sense of solidarity.

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