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Get Blog Post Ideas With These 2 Powerful Techniques

Are you responsible for your company’s or clients’ content marketing strategy? Doubt your ROI Belongings what do you want to write? Or more simply, you start with a blank page to build your blog, and you don’t know where to start?

Facebook Groups, Related Google Searches, People Asked… There are many ways to find article topics for your blog.

Here, let’s look at 2 techniques that use data analysis to generate a lot of business ideas.Belongings of blog with Maximum SEO Potential, All without too much effort!

Content Gap: Finding article ideas based on competitor data

For this first process, you will need to use an SEO analysis tool, such as Ahrefs or SEMRush.

Through the Content Gap feature (also known as Keyword Gap), it is possible to discover articles that work for your competitors, and Keywords you should “attack” in priority To create engaging content!

In this article, we will be using SEMRush. Since this is a paid tool, you can only subscribe to the 7-day free trial version. This period will be more than enough to allow you to be released extremely Blog post idea.

Once this is done, go to the tab “Keyword Opportunity”.

Keyword possibilities in SEMRUSH: to find article ideas

You arrive at a page where you need to enter the URLs of your website and those of your competitors (the tool allows you to analyze up to 5 domains at once).

In the first field, enter the address of your site, then enter the address of your competitors in the following fields. Then, be sure to select France as the geographic region, then start the search.

To illustrate the process, I took the example of e-commerce sites for musical instruments

Keyword probabilities (content gap): Up to 5 domains analyzed at the same time

pay attention: If you have any doubts about the identity of your competitors, SEMrush will automatically give you some suggestions when you enter your site’s URL in the first field.

The “missing” keyword: your priority list

On the page that appears next, 3 blocks stand out. The first block, called “Best Chances for You”, contains information that we find interesting. It allows you to visualize keywords:

  • missing: Keywords on which your competitors are ranked in Google search results, and your site is not. Valuable information for the creation of new materials.
  • weak: Keywords on which your website is located but rank lower than your competitors. Valuable information for customizing existing content.
Visualizing data in the Keyword Opportunity Tool

Of course, as important as the analysis of sites, How long is the list of keywords, In the example, I have a probability of having more than 5000 missing keywords and 3000 weak keywords.

To get the priority list of the workers, You have to solve it.

Informative intent: filter for editorial content

Click the “Missing” tab in the table below and apply the filter” Intention: Informational », This way you will only keep the keywords behind which the search for information is hidden, so articles are oriented to write.

You can also play with the “Status” and “Keyword Difficulty (KD)” filters to display more or less keywords. For example, I applied a filter:

  • Position: Competitors in the top 20. It displays the MC for which all my competitors Ranked in the top 20 results of the SERP, while my site is not located at all. In some cases, you will need to expand to “Top 50”, or not apply this filter to get a sufficiently large list.
  • KD (Keyword Difficulty): 0 to 30. This displays the MCs who find it easy enough to rank SEMrush on the first page of Google. The higher the “KD”, the more intense your SEO efforts will be, especially in terms of getting backlinks. Again, you can elaborate a bit more if needed.

This way, I was able to reduce the number of “missing” keywords I had. 5000 to 800, All you have to do is export the list as a spreadsheet using the button on the right side of the table.

Here you are now with a good selection of priority keywordsIncluding an indication of their search volume and a description of the position of your competitors.

you can still clean your spreadsheet In :

  • Removing columns related to Google advertising information: CPC and competition;
  • Filtering MCs for which the query is informative Specific ,
  • Integrate filters related to your expertise, your offers, your objectives…

Lastly, you can easily draw inspiration from your competitors’ content because SEMrush provides you with the URL of the page that “ranks” on Google for each keyword in the table. I

Other Ways to Find Even More Relevant Ideas With the Content Gap

SEMrush. informational intent identified by is not always perfect.

Which means This is not necessarily a blog post The ones that stand out most on the SERP for these types of questions, especially when you analyze e-commerce sites.

To get a complete and useful list for your writing projects, I recommend repeating this process:

  • with other competitors;
  • To identify the most promising article topics in your market, with just the blog
  • by analyzing a sub-domain or sub-folder dedicated to the editorial (example: or;
  • By focusing on the “unique” keywords of only one of your competitors. You may find a nugget that neither you nor the rest of your competitors are positioned on;
  • Using the “weak” keyword to identify pages on your site that need to be optimized.

It takes a little more effort, but if you do it forever, you’ll clean up enough. quality consideration To feed your blog for many months!

A Technique in Search Console to Exploit Your Existing Content

Here’s a Simple and Simple Technique to Find Blog Post Ideas Keywords typed by Internet users searching your site. This technique is also a good way to broaden the scope of your semantic cocoon.

To do so, head over to another essential SEO tool for optimizing your website: Google Search Console.

Click on the “Performance” tab.

Google Search Console, Display Tab

Filter the data for the last 6 months, then click the “Pages” tab in the report.

Identify your high-performing pages to find new blog post ideas

Then, click on one of your top performing articles.

At the top of the report on this page, click the “Export” button to be able to manipulate the data in a spreadsheet.

In the Google Sheet that appears, create a filter above the “Status” column, and filter “Status > Greater than” with a number 30 or greater.

It will show the words where your page ranks above #30 on Google.

Status filter to find keywords to use as new article ideas

As you might have understood, the idea here is to display the keywords for which Your page is not ranking very well.

This means that these conditions The semantics of your page are related to the area, but that they are not 100% relevant.

pay attention: The impressions will actually be quite low for every keyword that appears in the resulting list. But far less is not indicative of overall search volume for the keyword.

Applying this filter gives you a list of subtopics related to the topic of your article, which you can Deep in dedicated articles.

And in these new articles that you will create, you will be able to integrate An internal link at the top of your contentOn the opening page, to create a beautiful semantic cocoon.

So much for these two techniques that allow you to find article topics based on analysis of internal or competitive data. you can do them Ad Infinite Repeat And so never run out of ideas! And you, do you have the technology to feed your blog with content that serves your SEO? Share them in the comments!

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