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French expectations and concepts

Loyalty and customer retention programs and digital transformation are often intertwined, but this is nothing new. Digital transformation in particular has taken a new turn in the last two years. Companies in the retail sector and mass distribution have had to accelerate their transformation faster than expected. The need to provide a better customer experience…

In partnership with IFOP, Comarch conducted a study on the expectations and perception of the French in terms of loyalty, from membership to rewards, including mechanics. It focused on 4 main issues:

  • Which programs are most likely to generate engagement?
  • Are there significant differences between the regions?
  • Do all actions have the same value and deserve to be rewarded?
  • Do loyalty programs have a place for eco-responsibility?

Changing loyalty programs

Customers may be loyal to you at times, but may switch to something cheaper or brand new. Loyalty is dynamic: You have to keep giving customers a reason to keep coming back. That’s why having a loyalty program is a solid way to encourage customers to continue using your brand.

According to the study by Komarch and IFOP, 9% systematically follow the loyalty program against 6% who systematically refuse it.

If about 40% of respondents engage in a loyalty program, regardless of what the brand has to offer, three main criteria related to membership are noted:

  • Context and complexity of involvement (18%);
  • Proposed Rewards (30%)
  • brand (37%).

,The idea that you have to make enough purchases to be able to join a brand’s loyalty program is still a fact for customers today, and one of the main barriers to membership. However, loyalty programs are evolving and now reward not only the transaction but commitment to the brand as well. Therefore, they address a much broader goal than just the customers who spend the most, opening up to those who feel close to the brand or even just those who would otherwise reward them. By showing interest in it. , So new types of engagement programs allow wider recruitment for different engagements, Jessica Lavigne, Loyalty Consultant – CoMarch

Loyalty programs, a great way to generate in-store traffic

Loyalty programs have been common across industries for years. They provide a great channel to track customers’ purchases and preferences and deliver personalized service.

This is a great way to drive in-store traffic:

  • 52% say they buy more often;
  • 67% say they are encouraged to visit the store.

In addition, 70% of loyalty program members who are satisfied with it talk about it around them.

What are the ingredients of a successful program?

, Promotions, deductions and gifts have become the norm in terms of customer loyalty. Mentioned spontaneously in the first situation, they become the expected ‘minimum’. Should we conclude from this that this is enough to create genuine customer loyalty? other benefits […] become more admired and are often interesting sources of differentiation for brands, Laura Ducornau, Head of Customer Experience – Velvet Consulting.

Unsurprisingly, loyalty programs should be ubiquitous for 91% of respondents. But while relational programs are becoming more and more over time, respondents do not fail to favor the classic program combined with the jackpot (55%).

A number to be compared with respondents’ preferred rewards:

  • instant deduction (68%);
  • discount vouchers (60%);
  • gifts (47%).

The One Marketing Strategy All Businesses Should Aspire to

A well designed and well executed loyalty program can help you retain existing customers, attract new customers, reduce turnover and generate profit.

Actually :

  • Loyalty programs create emotional connections;
  • Regular customers get high return on investment;
  • Loyalty helps you reach new customers;
  • Loyalty programs provide information about customers.

It is clear that loyalty is not limited to loyalty programs, but a relevant customer loyalty program can form a solid foundation for a successful customer engagement strategy. Although loyalty programs take a little work and planning, they are certainly implementable and will help ensure future business success.

complete infographic

Source: Komarch

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