Want to take control of all your data on Facebook? It’s a good thing ! The social network has introduced a number of features to transfer your Facebook posts and notes to Google Docs, Blogger and/or WordPress…
Facebook data transfer process
In April, Facebook announced that it is now possible to transfer notes and posts directly to Google Docs, Blogger, and WordPress.com. These updates expand the reach of a tool that already allows users to upload their photos and videos to Backblaze, Dropbox, Google Photos, and Kupffer.
Facebook also provided a new overview of the transfer process:
data portability on facebook
The tools are part of Facebook’s broader data portability push, on which it sought outside agreement to expand its capacity and establish a uniform policy approach to ensure that Facebook and its users have a fair share of ownership about content. has clear parameters and how they can claim and reuse data across platforms.
Remember that in 2010, Facebook already improved data portability with a feature that allows users to download all of their network content as a single zipped file for viewing with an offline browser. This feature helps users keep track of their data without worrying about hackers permanently altering or destroying them. The download function backs up the data so that it can be easily replaced in the event of a network failure in the event of data loss in the cloud. If there is a network fault or other issue, users can easily download their saved data to replace the damaged network data.
Last April, the social network also called on regulators to establish clear rules on the subject to better articulate this approach: “While some laws, such as the GDPR and CCPA, already guarantee the right to portability, we believe businesses and individuals would benefit from further guidance on what it means to put these rules into practice. ,
Right to data portability, a fundamental right
The right to data portability is one of the fundamental rights of data subjects in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). “Data portability” is a feature that allows a user to take their data from one service and transfer or “port” it elsewhere. It often comes up in discussions about leaving a particular social network and bringing your data to a competing service with you. But bringing data to a competing service is only one use of data portability. Other equally important goals include analyzing your data to better understand your relationship with a service, creating something new from your data, self-publishing what you learn, and more transparency in general.
The GDPR Article 29 (WP29) Working Group states that data portability enables businesses and individuals to maximize big data returns in a more balanced and transparent manner. Data portability can also reduce discriminatory or unfair practices and reduce the risk of poor data use in decision making.
Ownership and access to data is becoming an increasingly important topic as more and more of our daily interactions take place online. Compared to other social networks, it looks like Facebook wants to take the lead…
Source: Facebook