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Don’t get stuck in front of your screen

You have a text to write, a deadline to meet and a check for cash. You finally find the perfect place to type on the keys of your keyboard. The computer is on, you are ready to work. It’s time to write, to make the text worthy of your skills…

… But something comes along that turns everything upside down.

Your mind can’t figure out a word, you don’t know where to start, you start getting annoyed, but nothing comes of it.

Regardless of your months or years of experience, he is back.

White Page Syndrome.

This sudden interruption, this loss of creativity, this lack of inspiration, ruins your day and awakens a despair you know very well.

Alone in front of your computer and your blank page, you feel the anxiety rising.

Worry about doing your job badly.

Worrying about falling behind in your already busy schedule.

The client’s anguish, the teacher’s who will tell you about his dissatisfaction.

Anxiety about failing, quite simply.

Don’t worry, it doesn’t just happen to you.

Web editor, copywriter, writer, student, blogger, community manager, singer, journalist…

small. Everyone whose job it is to write knows this sentiment.

Now let me tell you, you can overcome this blank page syndrome…

… that after putting my advice into practice, your fingers will be a word machine, your keyboard will never be useless again, and writing will no longer be a bad time.

I am going to tell you 7 secrets of those who, like you, have decided not to find themselves in the situation I described above to you…

… those who are tired of being worried once before the Word …

…who have chosen to fight! (Okay, I force the point a bit, but in the view that it is).

7 Ways to Overcome Blank Page Syndrome

It’s cool to give advice. It’s even better to put them on.

So I have decided to put myself in your place to write this article.

At every step, I’ll show you how I did (I’m on Stage 5 as I type these words,

And it all starts with the first step and a blank page.

#1 Brainstorming is your friend

The first thing to do before you type a single word on your keyboard is to get out a sheet of paper and a pen and brainstorm.

For those who don’t know, it involves starting with a basic idea and linking it to everything that comes to mind when you think about it.

For example, for this article I started with Blank Page Syndrome which I linked to a number of words (anxiety, writing, fear, lack of motivation, solution, experience, organization…).

Its purpose is to determine the content of your text, what it will relate to.

Here, you will understand, the idea is that this article is meant to help people who, like you, are tired of blocking in front of their computers.

#2 Take inspiration from others

Attention !

“To be inspired” does not mean to imitate.

Once you have the topic of your lesson, see what your competitors, colleagues, etc. are doing.

To analyze the mistakes considered, those topics or topics that have not been addressed. In simple, it is enough to add value to your text.

In my case, I consulted parts of articles on the subject, not to copy or do the same thing, but to look at the topic from another angle.

Pablo Picasso said “good artists copy great artists steal,

#3 Write down the plan the day before

Third and best advice (the most powerful,

Before you start writing an introduction or any paragraph, you need to think about the outline of the article.

And that for two reasons.

First, the next day you’ll know where to go in your text, all you need to do is fill in each block.

Second, the next morning you won’t start with a blank page (you already blacked it out with your plan) And that, believe me, changes everything.

On my side, it gives.

Which brings us straight to the next point.

#4 Always write in the morning

As I write these words, it is 9:27.

Why am I writing at this time and not this afternoon at around 2:30?

Simply because our brain is full of energy in the morning. This is the time of day when we are most productive.

The tasks and missions that require the most effort from you should be done in the morning.

Going on social networks, answering emails (anything that requires a little concentration), that’s for an afternoon.

One last thing, in the morning everyone is sleeping or at work. So the sources of distraction are reduced.

#5 First Draft Technique

and that is all ! It’s finally time to let off steam on your keyboard and show what your pen is worth.

But you don’t have to make good sentences from the start!

Let the words come through, follow each other, pin each other to your page. The important thing here is that everything is connected without interruption.

it is called first draft technique,

Like going fast, you shouldn’t stop.

The principle is not to cut off motivation.

Don’t worry about sentences that make no sense, spelling mistakes… you’ll have time to correct yourself later.

#6 Write regularly

Writing is like a game.

The more you train regularly, the easier it becomes.

And it does not matter whether it is a post on the network, an article, a site page, a poem or a book.

The important thing is to encourage creativity.

Personally, I publish a post every couple of days on LinkedIn and Instagram. It keeps me active in writing.

#7 Clear your mind

Yes, you read that right.

Sometimes it doesn’t come. it’s like that.

It may not be the right day, the right time or the right place.

and you know what ? Okay.

Get some fresh air, play sports, play console, etc.

Most importantly, don’t force it. Come back later, when your mind is free.

To finish

If you follow these valuable tips, Page syndrome will lead to a poor memory. By following up to the letter, it allowed me to write better, regularly and more quickly (2 days for this article). Writing is a lonely job.

It’s your turn to darken the paper!

About the Author

Lucas Ricard: Freelance copywriter, I support entrepreneurs seeking to gain visibility on the web, but to sell more thanks to the power of words.

Website – LinkedIn – Instagram

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