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Using direct marketing means reaching a specific goal without going through an intermediary. The success of this strategy is based on the transmission of a tailor-made message that encourages the interlocutor to purchase the product or service offered. What is the principle of this approach? What are the objectives? How to correctly identify your target? How to create an impactful message? What types of channels can be used to achieve this strategy? Pay attention to this article…

Direct Marketing: Definition and Purpose

Direct marketing includes all sales and communication actions done without an intermediary to reach your goal. These tasks are performed interactively and from person to person, hence its other name: one-to-one marketing. Such a strategy makes it possible to receive positive and rapid feedback.

For this, you need to have a database with different detailed data about your target contacts, who can be organizations, prospects or customers. From this list of contacts, you can create segments of consumers to whom you will make promotional offers that meet their needs. The profile of the target is taken into account to personalize the conversation. In some cases, it can be personalized to make a marketing campaign a success.

With precise targeting, you increase your chances of reaching your goal, and establish relationships with prospects who may become your customers. As far as your contacts are concerned, they benefit from relevant content that meets their needs.

principle of this strategy

1961, publicist Lester Wonderman First coined the term “direct marketing”. This strategy, which aims to improve customer relationships with your target contacts and ultimately grow your business, has become more democratic over the years.

The principle of this approach is to thus create a direct connection between prospects or customers and the company. To lay the foundation for relational marketing and complement their operational marketing strategies, more and more companies are turning to direct marketing practices. In some cases, it is combined with the marketing mix to maximize the chances of successful campaigns.

The implementation of such a campaign depends on a combination of various elements:

  • communication medium : The choice of this element depends on the target audience and the type of content to be broadcast. It constitutes the solution by which the Company interacts with the Consumer;
  • offer : It can be an expression of interest related to a service, a product or an event, which is offered to the customer as well as the customer;
  • direct response potential : With the proposed channel, the potential or customer should be able to respond directly to you without going through another channel;
  • database : Contains all the information gathered on prospects and customers needed to customize the offer for each target.

Various Direct Marketing Channels

The equipment used for this strategy can be new or old. With the rise of information and communication technology since the 1900s, businesses can now choose from the many channels available.

new channels

New digital channels have been developing and achieving great success since the early 2000s:

  • mobile marketing : With about 30% of email addresses changing every year, the coupon solution is proving practical. This includes using mobile phone numbers to send them. These coupons usually present a discount coupon, a call number, a link to an order form, a contact form, etc. at the points of sale. They can be sent as text messages. Other coupons also come in the form of QR codes, flash codes, and are included in store cards, for example;
  • Social and Digital Marketing : Various digital devices are used to transmit messages. Here it is about using social networks, websites, mobile apps, blogs, emails and online videos.
  • online promotion : It is used to motivate the prospect or customer to take action;
  • email marketing Or emailing is the simplest and cheapest tool among the many channels used to contact your target directly.

old channels

Old tools or traditional channels have proven themselves over the years and continue to be used in direct marketing strategy.

  • interactive kiosk Terminals constitute where the customer or prospect can purchase products or services. He is also likely to get information there;
  • calling, Telephone calls or telemarketing include marketing services or products using the telephone;
  • boxing Contains various personalized ads and offers sent to target mailboxes of contacts.

Objectives of Direct Marketing

To develop a successful campaign, you need to go through 5 stages of direct marketing:

  • target identification;
  • message development;
  • selection of communication channels;
  • automation of marketing campaigns;
  • Monitoring and analysis of results.

Like all other marketing strategies, it aims to increase sales, retain customers, and win new customers. Given that it is a matter of providing a response to a strategic need and obtaining a rapid and well-determined response from the target, marketing actions are carried out in the medium or short term.

Depending on the company’s expectations and level of interaction, this strategy also aims to:

  • Collect various information to develop a database;
  • Increase the company’s market share;
  • Receiving an appointment or opinion, visiting a store or website;
  • Take better care of managing dissatisfied customers.

In general, the main objective of companies is to acquire new customers and retain those who are already part of their customers.

get new customers

To convert your prospects into customers, you can offer them to test a new product. With temporary promotions or early access to a product, you also have the opportunity to capture their attention. Thus, in addition to informing your prospects of future and current promotions, company news and new products, you have the possibility to convert them into customers.

build customer loyalty

To encourage your existing customers to continue buying your services or products, build loyalty by giving them gifts or discounts. Thanks to such an approach, they feel privileged, because they are valued.

create an impactful message

Your message will prompt him to take the requested action. At the same time original, relevant and impactful, it highlights the brand’s values, its assets, its services and its products. For example, in your message, you might offer a bonus to receive after the action, for example, an invitation to an event, a service or even a product.

To satisfy the customer, ensure that the opportunity presented or the promise delivered through the message is fulfilled. That is why the interlocutor will take immediate action.

Use Marketing Automation

In order to be well organized and respond in a timely manner to the feedback of the interlocutors, many companies use marketing automation. That includes automating various tasks using appropriate software. Thus, the prospect or customer receives personalized messages every time the requested action is taken. Emails or SMS are then sent automatically, thanks to pre-programming of actions according to the time of the conversation, the profile of the target and the prospect or customer.

Follow up and analyze results

This step is essential for evaluating the ROI of the campaign, estimating the budget needed to acquire a new customer, and retain your customers. This operation can be done by using KPIs or performance indicators to identify the weaknesses of your strategy with a view to improving it.

To determine the objectives achieved, you should compare the expected results with the results achieved, specifically the number of responses received, sales made or appointments signed.


Direct marketing makes it possible to approach a prospect or customer, without having to go through an intermediary, to build customer loyalty and convert their prospects into customers. Used in both BtoC marketing and B2B marketing, this approach requires a number of elements to be brought together for campaigns to be successful. After clearly identifying your target, be sure to get their contact details, creating a personalized and relevant message that you will send using an appropriate digital or traditional tool. Automation as well as process monitoring will be useful for you to retain the customer and get return on investment.

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