Augmented and virtual realities are becoming more and more visible

In 2017, 40 million Americans will engage in some form of augmented reality (AR) content, an increase of +30.2% a year, according to estimates provided by eMarketer. By 2018, they should exceed 48 million and, in 2019, reach 54.4 million individuals (Table 1), i.e. 16.4% of the population in the Atlantic, or about one in five Internet users. The development of Snapchat and Facebook Stories by the study of the proper future progress …

On the virtual reality side (360° VR – video, photos, etc.), eMarketer estimated its US users to be 22.4 million in 2017, more than double that of 2016. By 2018, they should reach 37 million. users and over 49 million as of 2019 (Table 2). This time a progression, according to the study, has been due to Facebook and YouTube.

The gaming industry won’t be alien to the growth of VR in 2017, with 9.6 million users of this kind of experience, a 98.7% increase in one year. However, while VR headphones provide a more immersive experience, engagement will be low due to their often high cost. In 2017, only 2.9% of Americans will use this type of headset monthly. In 2019, they should be 5.2%.


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