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An even darker dark mode on Google Android?

Google Search on Android is currently testing a deeper dark mode. But make no mistake, this is not the version launched on desktop computers in February…

A dark mode is already in the testing phase on the desktop

Battery saving, reduction of eye fatigue, freshness… Dark mode or dark mode has many advantages and it is gaining more and more followers. Also, many platforms like Snapchat, Facebook or LinkedIn don’t hesitate to adopt it.

Android adopted this feature in 2019, then in 2020 Google started testing it on Search for Desktop. The experience gradually expanded to more users before finally rolling out to everyone in September 2021. But to date, Google’s dark theme has been more gray than black.

That’s why last month Google started testing the completely black and dark desktop theme. The background of the search results pages changes to the #000000 color code instead of dark gray.

The new design makes the Link more dynamic with a deep blue color. Even the purple color of previously viewed pages has been turned bolder, ever so slightly.

to get there :

  • presssetting icon next to your user profile picture in the top right;
  • go forAppearance tab ,
  • Choose dark theme,

This change was visible for some users only in the last few weeks. This change will not affect the homepage (which still uses the light gray color) and is only available to people randomly enrolled in an A/B test.

A Dark Mode for Google Android

But this dark theme is not the only feature that Google has prepared. It is testing an even deeper dark mode for its Android app. Actually, this new shade is still not the same as that introduced in Google’s desktop test. It is darker than the typical dark brown, but still lighter than absolute black.

In fact, this modification mainly applies to the background of Google Discover. Instead of light gray (#202124), the dark theme is closer to black (#171717), where everything, especially the Google logo, has more contrast. The background of the pill-shaped search box has been changed in the same way, but the light gray bottom bar has remained unchanged.

Unlike the web change, which hasn’t been widely rolled out yet, this new color is available in Google’s latest 13.8 beta in the Google Play Store, via APKMirror. It is an archive that allows Android users to download items that are not readily available on their devices. It also allows you to go the official route by joining a test group to try out this beta version.

This change may be more appealing to devices with OLED screens that like to use dark mode more or are looking to save battery.

While Google has recently been working to improve the user experience by integrating interfaces across all platforms, this pitch-black dark mode is a spinoff of its principles. The company has long said that black backgrounds tend to be more shocking than gray backgrounds, with most of its services and apps opting for the latter, including Google Search on Android.

It’s unclear why Google will reverse its decision, but for now, the change isn’t available to everyone just yet.

We don’t know whether these changes will be search-specific or whether Google plans to make the dark theme darker across the board and across all of its apps.

Source: 9to5google, The Verge

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