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8 Steps to Write a Successful Blog Post

Writing a blog post isn’t too complicated, you just have to type one word then another, right? In fact, I suggest you explore the steps to follow so that your article is not just another publication on your blog, but a successful article! How do you go about it? Let yourself be guided, this is the method…

1/ choice of subject

It all starts with the choice of the topic to be covered. If you start with a topic that no one is interested in, chances are that the article, even a well-written one, will be read very rarely. So the question is, how do you choose the topic of your choice? Well, start by taking an interest in your personality. Your personality is your target, your unique customer, the person on your list. Defining your personality precisely will enable you to understand their needs, interests, problems and frustrations. Then it will be easier for you to write to answer your readers’ problems.

2 / Keyword choice

Once you have chosen your topic, Search Affiliate KeywordsUsing tools like Google Trends or Google Ads… Choose keywords that you can easily position yourself on Google and are also searchable enough. This will allow you to increase your SEO and find new readers.

3/ Structure the content of your article

While writing articles it is necessary that Think User Experience, In fact, your article should be easy to read! This is why it is important to structure it well. It is necessary to plan for this. Plus, it will save you time in writing.

To create an outline, start by opening a Word or Google document, then type: Title, Introduction, Subtitle 1, Subtitle 2, Conclusion. Go back on the line every time. Then fill in your outline by typing your individual subheadings, then move on to the next step.

4/ Write a Powerful Headline

Now you can think of your title. It makes visitors want to click to read more. For this it is necessary that Your title is a bit mysterious and has a promise, List-like titles, such as: “10 Reasons…”, “5 Tips…” work well because, in addition to being engaging, they are articles that are easy for the reader to “scan” .

5/ Write Your Article Effectively

Now, it’s time to get to the bottom of the work by writing the first draft of your article. To do this, start with the inside of the paragraph, then end with the introduction and conclusion. For now, write regardless of your mistakes, repetitions, etc.

To keep the thread of your ideas, write as quickly as possible. without being interrupted by flashbacks to correct mistakes or bad turns of phrase. Your article written this way will only get better and richer. When you’ve completed this step, you’ll need to go back to your writing to correct mistakes, remove repetition, and rephrase some sentences.

6 / Relevant Links

Your item is almost ready, it’s time Enrich it with relevant links, Consider finding a link or two to one of your other articles to create a coherence between your different content. Then, look for a quality link to an external site that can either complete your article or support your words. In addition to enriching your article, you will also create reciprocity.

7/ Illustrate your article with images

Now choose one or two images, or even more, to represent your item. Pictures would be especially useful for giving a rhythm., easy to read. So the number of images will depend on the length of your content. When it is appropriate, it may be wise to write the title of your article directly on your image. It is very interesting if they are commonly shared on Pinterest.

8/ Top Notch Proofreading!

In the end, you have to re-read the whole thing, being careful not to forget anything, and optimize your SEO well. To do this, use the Yoast SEO plugin if you are on WordPress. He will give you very valuable information. But be careful, it will not do all the SEO work for you. Eliminate last spelling mistakes that might still be hanging around.

This last step may seem a bit optional, but not really at all. This is often overlooked and yet necessary so as not to miss the “typo” that can damage your credibility and the final quality of your article.

Now, You have all the cards to write a successful article, Remember that everything starts with the choice of subject, so don’t neglect this essential point!

And you, what’s your secret to writing amazing articles?

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