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6 b2b facebook posts views on your page

When we’re in B2B (we sell to companies) and we try to attract customers through social networks and especially with Facebook posts, we quickly find ourselves in an awkward position. On the one hand, everyone tells us that today we have to be on social networks, that it is imperative that if we publish good content we will be able to attract customers, etc. On the other hand, when we start posting to Facebook, we quickly realize that people don’t care about our posts: very few likes and comments, and 0 subscribers.
However, this was not what was expected…

The equation was very simple: give value to the network (too high a price) and you’ll have customers. But when you apply and post useful, share interesting articles, the feedback is not very positive.

But we still continue to post our Facebook (“You have to be persistent” that we hit our heads with each new publication).

If it doesn’t work, maybe it’s because we don’t know how to do it? Or that our market is not suitable? Or that people on Facebook don’t want B2B content? Or that it doesn’t work for everyone?

But it’s still hard to believe that it doesn’t work at all, because in podcasts, videos, and articles, you always find someone who says they’ve attracted customers by posting on their network.

So in the end, does it work or not?

Yes, it works… but only with a specific type of content. The first type of Facebook post you can do to attract customers is to explain your solution.

Facebook Post Idea #1 – Explain the Solution

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On this post, the community manager of French CRM Axonaut shares a video from his YouTube channel that explains how his tool works.

The purpose of this post is to let our target B2B customers know that they have something that might be of interest to them.

When you are in B2B, you solve the problem that a business has to grow and operate well.

But in order to purchase your solution, business decision makers need to know that your solution exists and understand how it will help them solve their problem.

That’s what Axonaut did with this publication: explaining to entrepreneurs that a solution to their problem exists and how that solution works.

This Facebook post is so important that they pinned it for any visitor to their Facebook page to be traced.

If you implement this idea (and your video isn’t too long), you can post it directly to the Facebook page (not redirect people to YouTube).

However, you can also do another type of Facebook post that will generate great returns over time: sell to your team.

Facebook Post Idea #2 – Promote Your Team (and Sell It)

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In this Facebook post, Do Simple au Double (a marketing agency from Reunion Island) exploits a tremendous persuasion mechanism: developing empathy for a brand.

Think with me You are not the only one offering your B2B solution (ie your product/service): there are other players in the market too, so why should we choose you?

One way to differentiate yourself from your competitors is to develop your own preferences as much as possible.

Since Cialdini and his book Influence and Manipulation, we know that empathy is a great way to attract people. Pure Common Sense: Everyone loves to work and be in touch with someone or a brand they love.

With this Facebook post, this agency allows us to get to know their employees better. They do what they call “speed asking,” where in 1 minute they’ll ask them very quick-answer questions, adding humor and “good vibes.”

Some companies are reluctant to confront such an idea. After all, they are doing “business to business” so communication has to be institutional and serious.

But trust me: with its approach, Do Simple has become one of the most well-known agencies in au double reunion. Not because it’s the biggest, but because it “feels” the best.

So as is the case with girls in high school, know that being known as a “cool” and “likable” group can attract customers and talent to you – despite the B2B/B2C silos. , it will always be up to you. Can be sold behind institutions.

However, there is a more direct Facebook post to attract customers: (wisely) sharing your expertise.

Idea #3: Share your expertise wisely

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Smart communication helps companies gain exposure through video and effective public speaking.

On this post, he shares “5 mistakes to avoid while making your videos! ,

I found this post very interesting because of the video presentation text:

  1. they start by remembering the problem (“We make mistakes when we start making content for our boxes”) ,
  2. They position themselves as a guide (“Trust me, I speak from experience”,
  3. They give you a specific reason to watch their video (“To Avoid Falling Into The 5 Most Classic Traps, Watch My Video!”,
  4. And finally, they do call-to-action (a free mini-training) to redirect people to their landing page to generate qualified prospects for their offers. “If the technical aspect turns you off”,
funnel example

This Facebook post is really problem-solving oriented and was written with a good sales structure.

With this publication they will be able to:

  • Make yourself known to your target customers (who may become customers within a few months or years);
  • Convert leads (which can turn into customers in a matter of days, weeks or months thanks to their sales funnel) for your coaching or training offers.

I strongly recommend that you use it for your Facebook posts.

But there’s also another way to attract customers that will be very effective if you sell expertise: Facebook lives on.

Idea #4: Bring Facebook to life

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Robin Vezina was a Facebook advertising consultant who used her life to attract most of her B2B clients.

On this post, he promises to ask people to figure out how to advertise Facebook in less than five minutes.

With this content, it will be able to attract businesses that are interested in Facebook advertising and who can become customers. The live show will prove their expertise, show potential clients that they know a lot more in the field than they do, and subtly encourage them to entrust the management of their advertising campaigns to them.

(Plus, the great thing about live shows is that they reach more people than regular posts, because Facebook tends to recommend them more.)

You can also put yourself on Facebook Life.

List a set of topics that interest your target customer and have a direct relationship with your offering (for example, a cooking tutorial if you go with people to help them cook well) ). Then go Facebook Live to share some of your tips.

Little Tips: I suggest you write and launch a Facebook ad so that more people can see your live (so many more people who can become subscribers).

Now, I have a fifth idea to share with you that hasn’t (yet) been used by everyone: checklists in your area of ​​expertise.

Idea #5: Create a Checklist

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However, SEMrush has set the bar too high…

SEMrush is an all-in-one SEO management tool.

On this post, he created a checklist for 2021 that brings together everything we need to know and do to improve our SEO at Google.

This Facebook post allows them to attract companies interested in SEO and build (or strengthen) relationships with them to one day turn them into customers.

This publication is of great value with regard to the problem, not because it provides accurate and relevant advice, but also because it is very easy to consume.

Always keep in mind that people don’t have time on Facebook or Instagram. They want (very) good quality content that is consumed very quickly.

So make one or two very helpful checklists for your client’s problem, then share it on your Facebook page.

Here, SEMrush offers a checklist without asking for mail (which is understandable, since they have a lot of traffic on their site), but you can ask people for mail and phone numbers in exchange for a checklist and then call to see what it is. can do what they do. Doesn’t require much help (delegation, training, etc.).

You can also blur out half of your checklist with a tool like Photoshop and ask people to subscribe to your mailing list to receive the entire document.

Small. I think you get the idea. Let’s end the article with the latest Facebook post idea: social proof.

Idea #6: Share Social Proof

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On this post, Rudy shares an email sent to him by a customer for his traffic and customer program.

He tells the story by saying that this customer “Too much was lost due to buying generic training that forced him to wander among a whole bunch of inconsistent and ineffective strategies” and that “Cried to organize your agency and combine the puzzle bricks correctly”.

You should know that customers of a very specific niche are very similar in the problems they face on a daily basis.

Rudy is summarizing you with this post that if you are a service provider looking for solutions to solve your business growth problems, he can help you organize a little more and your growth. can unlock. According to the feedback received from its customers, its offer seems to be of quality.

So this post serves to publicize Rudy’s offering and build the trust of the B2B target customer who follows him on Facebook.

You can do the same thing when you receive testimonials. Describe the situation customers were in before making a purchase from you, talk about their inhibitions and objections if they have any, and show the results they’ve achieved (or at least what they think. Now that they have signed your proposal) )

Still, I recommend that you use a call to action to generate leads or a strategic call.

At the end of the post text, you can indicate something like “Download the full case study” (in exchange for their contact details) or “Book a call with us so that we can present to you the work done and the results achieved”,

During this call you will try to make that person a customer.

Conclusion: Essentials to Remember for Facebook Posts

When you are in B2B the main thing is that you want to generate leads and strategic calls.

This way you can sell your offers and increase your turnover: the more leads/calls, the higher the sales. It is mathematical.

That’s why I recommend that you orient your Facebook posts in this direction and proceed by starting a Facebook advertising campaign. Thus, you will be able to target your potential customers and have a predictable machine to find new B2B missions and increase your income.

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