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4 Tips to Follow to Reassure Your Customers

Any e-commerce site must gain the trust of internet users before transacting online. To do this, these online businesses have to reassure their potential buyers. Here are some tips to help you convert your visitors into customers.

To encourage internet users to buy, an e-commerce site needs to be serious, starting with its home page. In addition to the visual appeal of the site and the quality of the content presented, Internet users are particularly sensitive to what are called elements of assurance.

#1 Essential Page “Who Are We?” and “contacts”

Internet users like to know who they are dealing with. Create a page presenting your story, your key dates, and your team and your values. This page may appear in the footer, banner, menu of your home page or at the bottom of the screen. Also, don’t forget to include a “Contact” page indicating your e-mail address, the telephone numbers of your various offices, and customer service. This page can also appear in the main menu, in the footer, but at the top just above the basket.

#2 A secure payment interface

On an average 75% of the carts are discarded before moving on to the buying phase. In order to encourage Internet users to order, any e-commerce site should clearly mention the different payment methods. You should also assure Internet users about the security of transactions on your interface. Many e-commerce sites have understood that it is essential to work with secure payment platforms that are well known to the general public, such as PayPal. Thus, large sites like Amazon, eBay, Asos, FNAC or even Netflix all accept this type of payment. Lesser-known regions have also caught on to the issue, particularly by adopting the PayPal app for making payments using QR codes. This is the case with the online pet store Zooplus, a site for selling sports articles as well as many online casinos, which are summarized in an article comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different platforms for players.

#3 Return and Refund Terms

On your e-commerce site, you must mention a certain number of legal notices described in this article, such as the amount of share capital, registration numbers in companies and business registers or terms of service after sales. You must also specify delivery methods and return and refund terms. In fact, making a purchase on the Internet, the customer will neither be able to see or test the product before purchase. So you should reassure him by clearly specifying the terms of return and refund.

#4 Customer Reviews of Products

Internet users love to read the opinions of other customers on the products they want to buy. That’s why most e-commerce sites now feature customer reviews on the home page or on individual product pages of their site. After purchasing a product, customers receive an automated e-mail asking them to give their opinion on the product they have just purchased. This opinion is then integrated into the Internet of e-commerce.

39 million French people do their shopping on the web. Hence e-commerce sites are now a part of their consumption habits. Among the French’s favorite e-commerce sites, we can certainly cite Amazon, but also CDiscount, FNAC, and Booking, all of which have shown a white paw to reassure their customers.

Image Source: Pexels

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